How are memories stored in flat, two-dimensional space? In this new body of work, I use both square and rectangular formats to contemplate the representation of remembered landscape. I collect my visual experience of Pacific Northwest beaches, hilltops, and valleys by making quick ink sketches; back in the studio, I use those field notes as a starting point to reinterpret and recollect locations.

A history of mark-making emerges as I builds layers of glaze and drags brushes, sticks or rags across the wood and canvas surfaces. Drips, scratches, and stains overlap vestiges of mountain shapes or horizon lines from earlier points in time.

My intention is to offer viewers a meditation on how memory reshapes perception. What does it look like when real landscapes are translated to constructed surfaces?

Keepsakes, with work by Elizabeth Copland, Genny Costin, and Laura Todd, on view at Shift Gallery from February 1 - March 2, 2024.

Opening reception: Thursday February 1, 5-8 pm

Meet the Artists: Saturday February 10, 1-3 pm

Gallery Info: open Friday-Saturday 11 am-4 pm, 312 S. Washington Street, Seattle, WA 98104

Field Journey I, 2024. Acrylic, collage on wood panel. 8” x 8”. SOLD

Field Journey II, 2024. Acrylic, collage on wood panel. 8” x 8”. SOLD.

Field Journey IV, 2024. Acrylic, collage on wood panel. 8” x 8”. SOLD.

Out on the Flats, 2024. Acrylic, graphite, ink on wood panel. 36” x 24”.

Out on the Flats, detail

Out on the Flats II, 2024. Acrylic, graphite, ink on wood panel. 36” x 24”. SOLD.

Out on the Flats: Memento, 2024. Acrylic, ink on wood panel. 5” x 5”.

Groundskeeping I (diptych), 2024. Acrylic on wood panel, 8" x 16". SOLD.

Groundskeeping II (diptych), 2024. Acrylic on wood panel, 6" x 12"

Near Camas Land, 2024. Acrylic on panel, 8” x 8”

Near Wenatchee, 2024. Acrylic on panel, 8” x 8”

Keepsakes, with work by Elizabeth Copland, Genny Costin, and Laura Todd, on view at Shift Gallery from February 1 - March 2, 2024.

Opening reception: Thursday February 1, 5-8 pm

Meet the Artists: Saturday February 3, 1-3 pm

Gallery Info: open Friday-Saturday 11 am-4 pm, 312 S. Washington Street, Seattle, WA 98104